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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

Mr Justin Murray, Class Teacher

Class 6 is an engaging and exciting environment that provides opportunities to grow in independence. Through topics including ‘A Child’s War,’ ‘Tomorrow’s World’ and ‘Darwin’s Delights’ the children are able to build on their previous learning to finish primary school with a flourish.

The year allows the children to have opportunities to access the curriculum through a rigorous programme of study alongside many opportunities that the children look forward to. These include: mentoring younger children in school, Bikeability, whole school production, fund raising opportunities, forest school and Y6 residential. Children develop resilience, perseverance and independence that support the exciting challenges of secondary transition.

Within the class we value individual brilliance and deliver a broad curriculum that allows all children to experience those wonderful moments of success. We have swimming, football, cricket, squash and many other sporting opportunities; arts week; music provision and instrument lessons and many other ways that allow each child to show their talents.

The staff team include:

Mr Murray who loves cycling, cricket, macaroni cheese and dislikes spiders and glitter.

Mrs Holden who loves skiing, tennis, roast dinners and dislikes spicy food.

Mrs Berger who loves running, yoga, the great outdoors and dislikes milk.

We aim to inspire children to be the best version of themselves and challenge them to make the most of all of the opportunities that they are given. We create a shared sense of belonging; we believe in ourselves and each other with the aim of achieving all we are capable of
