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Remote School Learning

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Each class has a daily English lesson and additional time is given each day to teaching reading. Speaking, listening, reading and writing are taught through a rich programme of learning activities. These may be linked to topic work and we aim to incorporate as many ‘real’ reasons for writing as we can to motivate and engage the children.

The school has a wide variety of reading scheme books and a fiction and non-fiction library and reading for pleasure is strong in our school. During the year there are additional activities such as writing competitions, poetry recital and reading challenges and participation is high from all groups of pupils.


Reading is a vital skill at every stage of school life and beyond. At North Mundham we know that this is a key area for families and school to work together.

In Reception, Y1 and Y2 we learn phonics through the Letters and Sounds Programme. We add in the accompanying actions from Jolly Phonics. For a few children, phonics learning continues at KS2. All year groups bring books home to share and to practice. Initially the reading books are from one of the several reading schemes we use: Rigby Star and Rigby Rocket, Collins Big Cat, Nelson and Ginn. We use several schemes, colour coded by reading age, so that the children experience a wide range of styles and genre from the very beginning. We want children to enjoy reading and have an element of choice in their reading.


After the reading schemes, children read freely from the library books in school, although staff discuss and guide their choices to ensure success, enjoyment and development. Through group and class texts the children have exposure to a wide range of authors, text types and styles.

At North Mundham we believe that mathematical learning should combine developing a thorough and clear understanding of concepts with the ability to reason and apply in problem solving situations and investigations.

Mathematical understanding is underpinned by the use of visual and kinaesthetic strategies which thoroughly embed concepts, enabling the children to make links with and build on previous learning.

Whilst working towards efficiency in calculation, we believe that it is important for children to understand what they are doing rather than simply following a method. Using this approach means that children are better able to identify errors in their working out.

Through investigative activities, children develop strategies for solving problems and how to reason and implement their core knowledge effectively

Wherever possible, mathematical learning culminates with a practical application which demonstrates the relevance of maths in our everyday lives.

During our science lessons our school uses engaging, practical experiments to help children learn about a wider range of living things, materials and nature.

We will cover the following areas to broaden their scientific knowledge:

  1. Life Processes and Living Things
  2. Materials and their properties
  3. Physical Processes

Through investigations the children will be planning, observing, measuring and evaluating information in systematic ways. They talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.

Modern Foreign Language (MFL)

French is taught in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to all children. The lessons are active and aim to encourage everyone to speak confidently. There is a French club available for younger children.

The main focus in art lessons is to encourage children to be creative artists and to develop the skills to enable this. Children are taught a range of skills – drawing, painting, using textiles, dyeing, printing and working with clay. They also study the work and techniques of famous artists and art from other cultures. Children work in 3D as well as 2D. You can see our artwork all around the school – you will even see it outside if you look carefully.

Each year the school holds an Arts Week to celebrate the children’s work and the culmination of this is a wonderful exhibition.


History is taught through topics and uses ‘enquiry’, role play, visits, first-hand experience and artefacts to bring the subject to life. Children (and teachers) dress up for special themed days, such as; being evacuees for a day and experiencing life in a new village school (writing a postcard home to Mother and Father), dressing up as Romans or Victorians and taking part in a Viking raid after writing rousing battle speeches! We hope to equip our children with the ability to ask perceptive questions, think critically and weigh up evidence. We learn about important people in history, such as Florence Nightingale and Neil Armstrong, and learn about the process of change along the way.


In Geography we hope to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. It is taught through topics and visits where possible! We visit the local area (lettuce and flower nurseries and our local village), explore Portsmouth and use interactive programmes to learn about places further afield. The children learn about river systems, local geographical features and use Ordinance Survey maps. We aim to teach children to develop geographical skills, language and knowledge, to be aware of the world around them and the importance of caring for the environment. We compare the geographical aspects of our local area with city life and learn about the mountainous landscape of North America, learning to understand the geographical similarities and differences.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

Religious Education (R.E.)

Children are taught about the main world religions – Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. They learn about religious festivals, customs and ways of worship. Lessons encourage positive attitudes towards, and respect for, the beliefs of others and in doing so encourage understanding of the similarities and differences between people that are part of our rich culture.


All children follow a programme of Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education which in our school we call ‘Lifeskills’. This recognizes the importance of the whole child and develops children’s relationships and social skills. Keeping safe, friendship, anti-bullying, healthy living and making well informed choices are regularly revisited as age appropriate.

In the second half of KS2 Sex and Relationship education is part of our Lifeskills curriculum. Our aims in these lessons are to inform the children, maintain high self esteem and self respect and promote sensitivity and responsibility as children grow.

The school is proud of its strong music tradition. In lessons children are taught to sing, to listen to music, to play percussion and be actively involved in composing and performing.

In Year 4 all children learn to play the clarinet in class music lessons with specialist teachers.

In addition to curriculum music children may learn to play an instrument; woodwind, brass, violin, piano, singing, drums and guitar lessons are available.

The school has a choir and a very successful wind band supported by the West Sussex Music Trust.

At North Mundham we encourage all children to participate in sport through fostering a team spirit and an enjoyment of sport. The PE curriculum includes: athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming.

Approximately 2 hours per week of curriculum time is given to P.E. and in addition there is a wide range of extra curricular sports. The school takes part in a wide variety of competitive and fun-based inter-school tournaments and events.

The school takes advantage of specialist sport coaching including most recently; football, cricket, tennis, canoeing and dance.

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We are fortunate to have our own enclosed woodland and a member of staff trained to deliver high quality ‘Forest Schools’ lessons. In Forest Schools children develop their appreciation and understanding of the environment, learn practical outdoor skills and work cooperatively together developing communication, trust and problem solving.

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Extra-Curricular Clubs

After School Activities

We offer a variety of clubs that provide additional opportunities for the children to learn a new skill, practice a talent or nurture an interest in a fun and safe environment.

Examples of clubs are: Dance, Board games, Netball, Football, Tag Rugby, Book Club, Reading, Yoga, Art, Choir, Guitar and Craft. Some clubs are run by school staff and others are provided by external providers (there will be a charge for these).

School Care Club

Our aim is to provide high quality before and after school care for pupils who attend North Mundham School. The club aims to create an informal, ‘family’ environment where children of different ages interact, play and relax together at the beginning and end of the day.

Care Club Manager: Miss V Humphreys

Play Assistants: Miss A Moore and Miss J Stead

Children enter and leave Heron Care Club via the main school entrance. They use the hall, the community room and the outdoor spaces for supervised activities.

Children can attend the club daily, on regular days each week or on an adhoc basis. Bookings are made by completing a booking form available from the school office.

Before attending the club for the first time, parents / carers need to complete a ‘child details form’ which includes details of contact telephone numbers, medical conditions, allergies etc.

The school reserves the right to refuse a booking or cancel a child’s booking if their behaviour jeopardises the safety or well-being of other children attending the club or if outstanding bills are not paid.

The club operates three sessions:
Morning (Monday – Friday) 8am – 8.30am.  Cost £4 including breakfast

Session A (Monday – Friday) 3.20pm – 4.30pm. Cost £7 including snack
Session B (Monday – Thursday) 3.20pm – 5.30pm. Cost £10 including snack
Session C (Fridays only) 3.20pm – 5pm. Cost £9 including snack

Morning Club (Monday to Friday) 8am – 8.40am. Cost £2.50 

The club operates for the full academic year excluding any INSET days and Bank Holidays.

We offer a variety of activities for the children to enjoy and explore. Each session includes some outside play (weather permitting) and snack time. The sessions are fluid and children are encouraged to explore their own interests as well.

In the mornings the session includes breakfast time. The children sit together and help themselves to a variety of healthy breakfast products. In the afternoon snacks will include a combination of: sandwiches, wraps, crumpets etc with a choice of fillings. Fruit will be available each day. The children will be involved in getting snacks ready, choosing what to eat and helping to clear away. Parents / carers are asked to inform club staff of dietary requirements and allergies on the registration form and these are closely adhered to.

  1. All staff employed are appropriately qualified and are police checked and medically cleared to work with children.
  2. The staff are qualified first aiders.
  3. Appropriate staff : child ratios are adhered to and, in an emergency, Care Club staff can call on additional support from other staff in school.
  4. Class teachers will have a list of who is attending the Care Club each day. They will ensure that children arrive safely at Care Club. If children are attending an after school club they will be delivered to Care Club when this finishes at 4pm. 
  5. Children can only be collected by adults that parents / carers have notified school about. If the person collecting your child changes at short notice please phone the Care Club to confirm your consent to this arrangement. 
  6. Children must be signed out on collection.
  7. All accidents are recorded. If an accident has occurred the adult collecting will be informed and asked to sign an ‘Accident / Illness Report Form’.
  8. Please advise the school office in advance if your child will not be attending a session you have booked for whatever reason. Eg. Illness, going home with a friend for a playdate etc.

The club follows the school’s policy for the administration of medicines. Please see the school website or ask in the office.

All activities of the Care Club are risk assessed. The club follows the school’s policies and procedures.

If parents / carers have cause for complaint they should initially discuss the matter with a member of staff from Care Club. If an issue is not resolved to their satisfaction, parents / carers should put their concerns in writing to the Headteacher of North Mundham School. Procedure would then follow the school’s complaint procedure available from the school office.

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